
영어 원서 '바이킹' 「The Vikings」 출간 | 전자책 신작 안내

나룸이 2023. 11. 9. 12:40

바이킹 / 앨런 마워(영어원서 읽기)

앨런 모어의 저서 "The Vikings"(1913)은 바이킹 연구 분야에서 주목받는 작품이다. 이 책에서 저자는 언어학자와 역사학자로서의 전문 지식을 바탕으로 바이킹 시대를 세심하게 탐구한다.

"The Vikings" by Sir Allen Mawer, published in 1913, is a notable work in the field of Viking studies, offering a comprehensive exploration of the history and culture of the Viking civilization. Mawer's expertise as a philologist and historian shines through in this book, which delves into the Viking age with meticulous detail. His research on place-names and the impact of the Vikings on various regions is particularly noteworthy, shedding light on their extensive travels and influence. "The Vikings" remains a valuable resource for those seeking to understand the Viking world, their expeditions, and their lasting impact on history, making it a significant contribution to the study of Norse history and culture. Sir Allen Mawer's dedication to this field has left a lasting legacy, and his work continues to be celebrated in the realm of Viking scholarship.

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