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[이벤트]전자책 1인출판사 책보요여 '유튜브 구독'하고 '전자책' 받아가세요!

​ 안녕하세요. 1인 전자책 출판사 책보요여입니다. 유튜브에 공식 채널은 만들었습니다. ​ 아직 자료는 많지 않지만, 앞으로 전자책, 영어 읽기, 오디오북, 기타 팁 등 유용한 테마로 꾸준히 채워갈 예정입니다. 더 잘하라는 의미로 '구독'에 참여해 주셔서 힘을 보태주셨으면 합니다. ​ 감사의 의미로 전자책 전문 서점 북이오에 올라온 책들 중 하나를 읽을 수 있는 북티켓을 드리겠습니다. 구독 후 인증사진과 읽고 싶은 책 제목, 이메일을 비밀 댓글로 남겨주시기 바랍니다. ​ 다음 순서대로 진행해주시면 됩니다. ​ ​ 1.책보요여 공식채널 구독하기 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcvrAgmivtLdDx8GD3YiMZg 책보요여 '전자책에 담다' 다락에서 가져온 책으로 '다락(多樂..

책다락방 2021.02.07

미 연구팀, 쥐의 노화를 조절하는 뇌 세포 발견 | 영어기사읽기 (2017.08.29)

Researchers Use Brain Cells to Control Aging in Mice Researchers Use Brain Cells to Control Aging in Mice People have been wondering for ages-- is there a way to turn back the aging process in people? Researchers in New York say they have slowed aging in mice. Will this process also work on humans? learningenglish.voanews.com It is a question people have been asking for—well-- ages. Is there a w..

[이솝우화] 늑대와 사자(THE FOX AND THE LION) | 원서읽기

THE FOX AND THE LION A little fox was out playing one day, when a Lion came roaring along. “Dear me!,” said the Fox, as he hid behind a tree, “I never saw a Lion before. What a terrible creature! His voice makes me tremble.” roaring 울부짖는, 고함치는, 큰 소리를 내는 / Dear me 이런 세상에! / terrible 무시무시한 / tremble(몸을) 떨다 The next time the Fox met the Lion he was not so much afraid, but he kept a safe distance an..

여러분 애완동물의 눈은 건강한가요(How Well Does Your Pet See)? | 영어기사읽기

Here is another way pets are like people. They can have vision problems. Sometimes the symptoms are easy to detect. Your dog or cat may start bumping into furniture or you. Bumping into things can all be early symptoms of eye disease in pets. vision problems 눈과 관련된 문제들 symptom 증상 bump (~에 신체 부위를) 찧다[부딪치다] The eyes also tell a story. Theythe eyes may be cloudy or filled with mucous. Animals share..

[이솝우화 ] 늑대와 양(THE WOLF AND THE LAMB) | 원서읽기

One day a Wolf and a Lamb happened to come at the same time to drink from a brook that ran down the side of the mountain. The Wolf wished very much to eat the Lamb, but meeting her as he did, face to face, he thought he must find some excuse for doing so. So he began by trying to pick a quarrel, and said angrily: “How dare you come to my brook and muddy the water so that I cannot drink it? What ..

인체의 과학(하품, 소름(닭살), 트림, 기침, 딸국질, 재채기)| 영어기사읽기

The Science of Bodily Functions 다음 기사를 클릭하여 내용을 읽으면서 아래에 정리한 어휘와 표현들을 참고하시기 바랍니다. The Science of Bodily Functions: Why We Yawn, Sneeze, Burp, and More Have you ever wondered why we get hiccups? Discover the science behind bodily functions such as hiccups, sneezing, yawning, burping, and goosebumps. www.thoughtco.com * sneezed 재채기하다 * annoying 짜증스러운, 귀찮은, 성가신 * involuntary (갑자기) 자기도 모르게 하는 * refl..

장화 신은 고양이(PUSS IN BOOTS) | 샤를 페로 동화 영어로 읽기

프랑스의 동화작가 샤를 페로가 1697년에 발표한 동화집 ≪옛날 이야기(Histoires ou Contes du Temps Passé)≫에 수록된 작품이다. 방앗간을 운영하던 주인이 나이가 들어 더 이상 일을 할 수 없게 되자 세 아들에게 재산을 나눠주기로 한다. 첫째에게는 방앗간을, 둘째에게는 당나귀를, 막내에게는 고양이 한 마리를 남기고 그는 세상을 떠난다. 형들보다 적은 재산을 물려받은 것도 모자라 쫓겨나기까지 한 막내가 자신의 신세를 한탄하자, 고양이는 가방 하나와 장화 한 켤레를 주면 지금의 상황을 해결해주겠다고 약속한다. 가방을 메고 장화를 신은 고양이는 그 나라 왕에게 찾아가 카라바공작을 자신의 주인으로 소개하고, 이후 카라바공작의 이름으로 왕에게 여러 차례 선물을 보낸다. 그리고는 카라바공..

우리의 전래동화, <심청전>을 영어로 읽어 보세요!

Sim Cheong: A Korean Shamanic Healing Story. 뺑덕어멈이 빠져 있지만 심청전을 영어로 설명한 문장이니 한번 읽어보시기 바랍니다. 영어를 잘 하려면 문법과 어휘 지식과 실력 이외에도 맥락을 읽는 배경지식이 풍부해야 합니다. 만약 우리가 '심청전' 이야기를 모른다면 다음 글을 읽을 때 선명한 이미지가 머릿속에 그려지지 않을지도 모릅니다. 일례로 '공양미 3백석'을 300 bags of rice라고 표현했는데, 우리는 이 말이 짚으로 만든 가마니에 넣은 쌀을 의미한다는 것을 단번에 알아차릴 수 있습니다. ​ In the story, Sim Cheong is born to elderly parents. The labor proves to be too much for her mo..

백악관 '칠면조야, 너의 죄를 사하노라' (미국 문화) | 영어기사읽기

What Is the History of the Presidential Turkey Pardon? What Is the History of the Presidential Turkey Pardon? Every year, at a ceremony at the White House, the American president "pardons" a turkey. Stories on the origins of the presidential turkey "pardon" are numerous. Edward Lengel, a historian, notes that Kennedy was the first president to give an official par learningenglish.voanews.com 도널드..

오늘(2018.01.31)밤 9시51분 '슈퍼·블루·블러드문 개기월식' 한번에 | 영자신문읽기

Sky Watchers Prepare For the 'Super Bowl' of Moons On Wednesday, much of the world will get to see not only a blue moon and a “supermoon,” but also a total lunar eclipse. Having all three events taking place at the same time한꺼번에, 동시에 is extremely unusual. Astronomers say this has not happened since 1982. And it won’t happen again until 2037. blue moon 블루문(양력 날짜로 한 달에 보름달이 두 번 뜨는 현상에서, 두 번째로 뜬 달을..

카테고리 없음 2020.10.18

설탕 중독 이겨내기(Beating Your Addiction to Sugar) | 쉬운 영문 기사 읽기

Sugar is like an addictive중독성의 drug. That is how your brain responds to sugar. Do not stop eating sugar all at once갑자기, 동시에. Sudden stopping may cause withdrawal symptoms금단증상. Symptoms include fatigue피로, depression우울증, headaches and muscle aches. It is not easy to quit sugar. What to do Plan your meals (특히 아침·점심·저녁의) 식사[끼니] Start with a solid실속있는, 충실한, healthy breakfast. High-protein breakfasts ..

우리는 '마늘소녀들(Garlic Girls)'이 아니라, '팀킴(Team Kim)'이다 | 한국 컬링 여자대표팀 결승 진출 기념 영어기사 읽기

Don’t Call Them ‘Garlic Girls’: South Korean Curlers Become Olympic Rock Stars Forget Lindsey Vonn and Adam Rippon. The real rock stars of the Pyeongchang Olympics are a humble group of Korean curlers who have no idea they’ve become a global sensation.They are known as the “Garlic Girls,” the South Korean women’s curling team www.voanews.com Don’t Call Them ‘Garlic Girls’: South Korean Curlers B..

구한말 조선, 어린이 날 풍경(Children's Day in Joseon Korea)

In an open letter to adults written by Bang Jeong-hwan방정환 on May 1, 1923, he encouraged격려[고무]하다,용기를 북돋우다,권장[장려]하다 parents to “speak to children with respect and speak softly” and stressed that they were the future of the country. “Children who grow up with ridicule조롱, 조소, 놀림; 비웃음 and contempt경멸, 멸시, 모욕 from others will become people who disrespect others,” he warned but added, “children who grow..

뉴스 속 영어 어휘 및 표현들 - Experts Worry About South Korea’s Economy

learningenglish.voanews.com/a/experts-worry-about-south-korea-s-economy/4708052.html Experts Worry About South Korea’s Economy South Korea’s President has proposed measures designed to increase economic growth in the country. A recent report suggests that South Korea could face difficult economic times if there are no changes in the current policies. learningenglish.voanews.com peak 절정, 정점, 최고조 ..

우크라이나의 한 보안 연구자가 페이스북 사용자들의 보안되지 않은 정보 발견 | 영자 신문 읽기(2019.12.29)

Researcher Finds Unsecured Information on Millions of Facebook Users ​ ​ 기사를 천천히 읽어보세요. ​ A Ukrainian security researcher has reported finding a database with the information of more than 267 million Facebook users on the open internet, the Associated Press reports. The data includes names, phone numbers and other identifying information. Nearly all of the users were based in the United States. ..

2019년 컴퓨터 및 장비 기술 관련 이슈 TOP10 | 영자 신문 읽기

Top Tech 2019: Quantum Computing, Facebook’s Libra, Internet Inventor’s Warning ​ Quantum computing 양자 컴퓨터 3D printed heart 3D프린터로 만든 심장 Solar roof car 태양전지를 장착한 자동차 Facebook Libra 페이스북이 2020년 발행할 계획인 암호화폐 리브라 Drone deliveries 드론 무인 배달 서비스 Facial recognition opposition 안면인식 기술 반대 Internet inventor warns 월드와이드웹(World Wide Web)의 창시자 팀 버너스리의 경고 ​ 기사를 읽어보세요. Top Tech 2019: Quantum Computing, Faceboo..

영어로 이솝우화 읽기-외눈박이 암사슴(The One-Eyed Doe)

dd A Doe, blind of an eye, was accustomed to graze as near to the edge of the sea as she possibly could, to secure greater safety. She turned her eye towards the land, that she might perceive the approach of a hunter or hound, and her injured eye towards the sea, from which she entertained no anticipation of danger. Some boatmen, sailing by, saw her, and, taking a successful aim, mortally wounde..

영어로 이솝우화 읽기-개와 수탉, 여우(The Dog, Cock and Fox)

The Dog, Cock and Fox. A Dog and a Cock, traveling together, took shelter at night in a thick wood. The Cock perched himself on a high branch, while the Dog found a bed at the foot of the tree. When morning dawned, the Cock, as usual, crowed very loudly. A Fox, hearing the sound, and wishing to make a breakfast on him, came and stood under the branches, saying how earnestly he desired to make th..

영어로 이솝우화 읽기-생쥐와 개구리, 그리고 매의 어부지리(The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk)

The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk. ​ A Mouse, by an unlucky chance, formed an intimate acquaintance with a Frog. The Frog one day, intent on mischief, bound the foot of the Mouse tightly to his own. Thus joined together, the Frog led his friend toward the pool in which he lived, until he reached the very brink, when suddenly jumping in, he dragged the Mouse in with him. The Frog enjoyed the wate..

Why You Eat What You Eat | 쉬운 영어로 쓴 영자 신문 읽기

일부 어휘와 표현만 정리해 봤습니다. 직접 읽어 보면서 내용을 이해해 보세요. Why You Eat What You Eat | The Times in Plain English Photo Credit: Getty Images What you eat matters a lot. Food companies know this, and they get you to eat what they want you to eat. They do this is in three ways. First, they appeal to your pocketbook. They make their food cheap enough for most families to www.thetimesinplainenglish.com Second, they..
