🎬 The Bear and the Fox.
A bear boasted very much of his philanthropy, saying "that of all animals he was the most tender in his regard for man, for he had such respect for him, that he would not even touch his dead body." A Fox hearing these words said with a smile to the Bear: "Oh, that you would eat the dead and not the living!"
교훈: We should not wait till a person is dead, to give him our respect.
더 쉬운 영어로 읽기
A Bear was bragging about how kind he was saying he would not even touch a man’s dead body. A Fox, on hearing this, said with a smile: “It would be better if you would eat the dead instead of the living!”
출처: https://fablesofaesop.com/the-bear-and-the-fox.html
📚 단어 및 표현
boast 뽐내다, 자랑하다(=brag)
philanthropy 박애(주의), 자선, 인자, 인류애
tender 상냥한; 친절한, 인정 있는, 동정심 많은, 사랑하는
regard 존중, 존경, 고려, 배려, 관심
respect 경의, 존경, 존중, 중시, 고려, 배려
would be better ~더 좋을 것 같다/더 나을 것 같다
instead of …대신에, …하지 않고
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