🎬 The Stag at the Pool
A stag saw his shadow reflected in the water, and greatly admired the size of his horns, but felt angry with himself for having such weak feet. While he was thus contemplating himself, a Lion appeared at the pool. The Stag betook himself to flight, and kept himself with ease at a safe distance from the Lion, until he entered a wood and became entangled with his horns. The Lion quickly came up with him and caught him. When too late he thus reproached himself: "Woe is me! How have I deceived myself! These feet which would have saved me I despised, and I gloried in these antlers which have proved my destruction."
교훈: What is most truly valuable is often underrated.
📚 단어 및 표현
stag 수사슴, (기타 동물의) 수컷; (거세한) 수퇘지.
admire 존경하다, 칭찬하다
contemplate 응시하다, (오래) 바라보다, 심사숙고하다, 곰곰이 생각하다
betook 가다. betake의 과거형. betake oneself to로 쓰임.
betake oneself to flight 쏜살같이 도망치다, 줄행랑치다
with ease 마음 편히, 마음 놓고
entangle 얽히게 하다(make tangled); 얽히어 감기게 하다
come up with -에 따라가다, 다가가다
reproach 나무라다, 책망하다, 꾸짖다
Woe is me! 아, 슬프도다[오호애재라]!
deceive oneself 자신을 속이다, 스스로를 기만하다
despise 깔보다(look down upon), 멸시하다, 얕보다, 경멸하다, 업신여기다
antler (사슴의) 가지진 뿔
valuable 소중한, 귀중한
underrate 과소평가하다, 얕보다
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