

사이버 범죄와의 싸움에 나선 영국 정부 | BBC 뉴스 리뷰

The story ​ Measures to bolster Britain's online defences are being set out by the government, which is promising to make the country one of the safest places in the world to do business. The Chancellor Philip Hammond says the plans will help protect the government, firms and citizens from online threats and will allow the UK to strike back against state-sponsored hackers. Rory Cellan-Jones - BB..

대기오염은 수명을 3년 단축시킨다 | BBC 뉴스 리뷰

Air pollution causes the average human life to be three years shorter than it could be, say scientists. Neil and Catherine look at the vocabulary in the news around this story. The story: Lung disease, cancer, heart problems and stroke have all been linked to air pollution(대기오염) – particularly man-made emissions(배출) from fossil fuels. Now an international group of researchers has used a new meth..

코로나 비상에 걸린 이탈리아 | BBC 뉴스 리뷰

We're talking about the coronavirus - or Covid19 - and what is happening in Italy. The latest government advice is - don’t travel to Italy unless you have to. All public gatherings in the country have been banned, and people there are being told to stay near their home unless it’s an emergency in attempt to curb the spread of coronavirus Vocabulary ​curb: (특히 좋지 못한 것을) 억제[제한]하다 lockdown: emergen..

커피 전문점의 커피 라떼와 핫초콜릿에는 23티스푼의 설탕 함유 | BBC 뉴스 리뷰

The story Campaigners have warned that some festive coffees and hot chocolates sold by high street chains contain shockingly high levels of sugar. The group Action on Sugar wants them to be subject to the same sugar tax as soft drinks. Several of the coffee chains in the study said they also offered healthier options. Vocabulary overload: too much (of something) 과중한 짐, 과적, 지나치게 많음, 과부하 • The kid..
