One day a mother Eagle came flying out of her nest to look for food for her babies. She circled round and round, far up in the air, looking down upon the earth with her keen eyes. By and by she saw a little baby Fox, whose mother had left it alone while, like the Eagle, she went for food. Down came the bird, whir went her wings, and away she soared again, with the little Fox clutched fast in her claws. The poor mother Fox just at that moment came running home to her child, and saw it being carried away. “O Eagle!” she cried, “leave me my one little baby. Remember your own children, and how you would feel if one of them should be taken away. Oh, bring back my poor cub!”
But the cruel Eagle, thinking that the Fox could never reach her, in her nest high in the pine tree, flew away with the little Fox, and left the poor mother to cry. But the mother Fox did not stop to cry long. She ran to a fire that was burning in the field, caught up a blazing stick of wood, and ran with it in her mouth to the pine tree where the Eagle had her nest. The Eagle saw her coming, and knew that the Fox would soon have the tree on fire, and that all her young ones would be burned. So, to save her own brood, she begged the Fox to stop, and brought her back her little one, safe and sound.
look for 찾다, 구하다 round and round 돌고 돌아, 빙글빙글 keen 날카로운, 예리한 By and by 머지않아, 곧 whir 휙 날다[움직이다]; 윙윙 돌다 clutch (꽉) 움켜잡다 leave (데리고·가지고 가지 않고) 두고 가다 cub (곰·사자·여우 등의) 새끼 blaze 활활 타다, 눈부시게 빛나다, (화가 나서 눈이) 이글거리다 safe and sound 무사히, 탈없이
Moral God is the ultimate judge. 신은 최상의 판결을 내린다.
moral 교훈
⊙ 지은이 이솝(Aesop)은 누구인가?
BC 6세기경 고대 그리스의 우화 작가이다. 이솝의 본래 이름은 ‘아이소포스’이지만, 영어 발음으로는 이솝이다. 원래 노예 출신으로 동물에 빗대어 인간 세계를 꼬집는 이야기를 많이 썼다.
영어 품사가 어떤 역할을 하고 그 예는 무엇인지 간단하게 설명합니다. 본문을 읽기 전에 영어의 품사(명사, 대명사, 동사, 형용사,관사, 부사, 접속사, 전치사, 감탄사)가 무엇인지 익혀 두세요!