
영어 원서 '문체의 요소' 「The Elements of Style」 출간 | 전자책 신작 안내

나룸이 2023. 11. 15. 11:10


문체의 요소 / 윌리엄 스트렁크 2세(영어원서 읽기)

William Strunk Jr.가 1918년에 저술한 '문체의 요소'는 명료성, 간결성 및 효과적인 의사소통의 원칙을 강조하는 영어 글쓰기 교본의 고전이다.

"The Elements of Style," authored by William Strunk Jr. in 1918, is a seminal work in the field of English language and writing. Originally intended as a private guide for Strunk's students at Cornell University, this concise yet influential manual has since become a renowned and enduring resource for writers and communicators. Strunk's rules and principles, emphasizing clarity, brevity, and effective communication, have shaped the way countless individuals approach writing. The book's impact was further magnified when E.B. White revised and expanded it in 1959, solidifying its position as a classic reference for those seeking to enhance their writing skills and master the art of clear and concise expression.

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