
여우 5

[이솝우화] 늑대와 사자(THE FOX AND THE LION) | 원서읽기

THE FOX AND THE LION A little fox was out playing one day, when a Lion came roaring along. “Dear me!,” said the Fox, as he hid behind a tree, “I never saw a Lion before. What a terrible creature! His voice makes me tremble.” roaring 울부짖는, 고함치는, 큰 소리를 내는 / Dear me 이런 세상에! / terrible 무시무시한 / tremble(몸을) 떨다 The next time the Fox met the Lion he was not so much afraid, but he kept a safe distance an..

영어로 이솝우화 읽기-개와 수탉, 여우(The Dog, Cock and Fox)

The Dog, Cock and Fox. A Dog and a Cock, traveling together, took shelter at night in a thick wood. The Cock perched himself on a high branch, while the Dog found a bed at the foot of the tree. When morning dawned, the Cock, as usual, crowed very loudly. A Fox, hearing the sound, and wishing to make a breakfast on him, came and stood under the branches, saying how earnestly he desired to make th..

영어로 이솝우화 읽기-생쥐와 개구리, 그리고 매의 어부지리(The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk)

The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk. ​ A Mouse, by an unlucky chance, formed an intimate acquaintance with a Frog. The Frog one day, intent on mischief, bound the foot of the Mouse tightly to his own. Thus joined together, the Frog led his friend toward the pool in which he lived, until he reached the very brink, when suddenly jumping in, he dragged the Mouse in with him. The Frog enjoyed the wate..

영어로 이솝우화 읽기 - 곰과 여우(The Bear and the Fox)

🎬 The Bear and the Fox. A bear boasted very much of his philanthropy, saying "that of all animals he was the most tender in his regard for man, for he had such respect for him, that he would not even touch his dead body." A Fox hearing these words said with a smile to the Bear: "Oh, that you would eat the dead and not the living!" 교훈: We should not wait till a person is dead, to give him our res..

영어로 이솝우화 읽기 - 여우와 가면(The Fox and the Mask)

🎬 The Fox and the Mask. A fox entered the house of an actor, and, rummaging through all his properties, came upon a Mask, an admirable imitation of a human head. He placed his paws on it, and said: "What a beautiful head! yet it is of no value, as it entirely wants brains." 교훈: A fair face is of little use without sense. 📚 단어 및 표현 rummage (뒤져서) 찾다, (물건을 찾아) 뒤지다 property 재산, 자산, 소유물 come upon ~을 ..
