The Dog, Cock and Fox.
A Dog and a Cock, traveling together, took shelter at night in a thick wood. The Cock perched himself on a high branch, while the Dog found a bed at the foot of the tree. When morning dawned, the Cock, as usual, crowed very loudly. A Fox, hearing the sound, and wishing to make a breakfast on him, came and stood under the branches, saying how earnestly he desired to make the acquaintance of the owner of so sweet a voice.
"If you will admit me," said he, "I should very much like to spend the day with you."
The Cock said: "Sir, do me the favor to go round and wake up my porter, that he may open the door, and let you in." On the Fox approaching the tree, the Dog sprang out and caught him and quickly tore him in pieces.
교훈: Those who try to entrap others are often caught by their own schemes.
📚 단어 및 표현
take shelter 대피하다, 피할 곳을 찾다.
perch (새·사람 등이) (…에) 앉다, 자리잡다
bed 잠자리, 침소
crow (수탉이) 울다, 꼬끼오 하고 울다
breakfast 아침 식사
earnestly 진지하게, 진정으로
make the acquaintance of …와 아는 사이가 되다
admit (어떤 장소에) 들어가게[들어오게] 하다(let in), 입장을 허락하다
should like to ~하고 싶다
do somebody a favor 호의를 베풀다
porter 문지기, 수위
let in …을 들어오게 하다
spring out (사람·동물이 용수철처럼) 휙[갑자기] 움직이다, 튀어[뛰어]오르다
tear in pieces 갈기갈기 찢다.
try to 시도하다, 노력하다
entrap (위험·곤경 등의) 덫[함정]에 빠뜨리다.
scheme 책략, 음모, 책동, 계략
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