(VOA) news. I'm Christopher Cruise reporting. An accused (형사) 피고인, 피의자 Russian spy held by the United States on charges of infiltrating침윤[침투]시키다 Republican Party circles(동일한 관심·직업 등을 갖는 사람들의) 사회, …계(界) in order to provide information to Russia has reached a deal with prosecutors to plead guilty. Her attorney said in a court filings소장 that the case against her has now been resolved. The U.S. Justice Department alleges(증거 없이) 혐의를 제기하다[주장하다] Maria Butina was a covert비밀의, 은밀한 Russian agent, who maintained connections with Russian spies in a mission aimed at penetrating(조직 등에 특히 어렵게) 뚫고 들어가다[침투하다] "the U.S. national decision-making apparatus(특히 정당·정부의) 조직체[기구] to advance the agenda of the Russian Federation.”
[영상who?]성로비한 러 스파이? 부티나는 누구인가
러시아판 마타하리가 나타났다현대판 색계(色戒)가 등장했다안나 채프먼이 재림했다스파이 활동을 한 혐의로 기소된 러시아 국적의 여성 마리아 부티나에 대한 언론들의 흥분이 담긴 레토릭들
The detained Huawei chief financial officer최고 재무 책임자, Meng Wanzhou, says she should be released on bail보석(보증금을 받거나 보증인을 세우고 형사 피고인을 구류에서 풀어 주는 일.)이 되다 in Canada over health concerns while waiting on a hearing공판, 심리 for extradition외국 범인의 인도, 본국 송환 to the United States. Reuters correspondent Ryan Brooks reports. Court documents showed U.S. authorities accuse고발[기소/비난]하다 her of misleading오도하다, 잘못 인도하다 banks and putting those banks at risk of breaking U.S. sanctions제재, 처벌 on Iran. The allege she was trying to use those banks to move money out of Iran. Court documents also showed that in the meantime(두 가지 시점·사건들) 그 동안[사이]에 , she wants to be released and not only on grounds she suffers from hypertension고혈압. She is also citing(지지·증명·확인을 위해) …에 대하여 말하다 her longstanding ties with Canada and mentioned she owns two homes worth millions in Vancouver. Meng is not only CFO. She is also the daughter of the founder of Huawei, one of China's key tech companies. It's the world's biggest supplier of networking hardware. China has demanded Meng's immediate release석방. Neither Canada nor the U.S. has provided China with any evidence that Meng has broken any law in those two countries. Her arrest has put global markets on edge위기, 위급한 판국, with investors worried it could sabotage방해하다 any chance of a trade deal between Washington and Beijing(미국과 중국 대신 각 나라의 수도로 명시). This is VOA news.
A Chinese court has ordered a ban in the country on several iPhone models because of a patent dispute특허분쟁 between iPhone maker Apple and U.S. chipmaker Qualcomm. An Intermediate People's Court중급인민법원 granted Qualcomm's request for preliminary injunctions(법원의) 명령 against four subsidiaries자(子)회사 of Apple, ordering them to immediately stop selling the iPhone 6S through iPhone X that use older versions of Apple's iOS operating system운영체제. Apple said in a statement Monday that its iPhones using newer operating systems remain on sale in China. The court decision is the latest(가장) 최근의[최신의] legal action in a long-running dispute between the two California tech giants.
애플, 퀄컴과 특허분쟁 패소…아이폰 7개 기종 中서 판매금지
애플, 퀄컴과 특허분쟁 패소…아이폰 7개 기종 中서 판매금지, 이승우 기자, 산업
Britain's already disorderly무질서한, 난잡한, 혼란한 departure from the [Union] European Union turned even more chaotic Monday when British Prime Minister수상 Theresa May postponed연기하다, 미루다 a House of Commons(영국·캐나다에서) 하원 vote on her Brexit withdrawal철회, 취소, 철수 deal. That agreement took months of negotiations with Brussels to conclude. She spoke Monday to a packed혼잡한 and rowdy소란스러운, 소동을 벌이는 House of Commons. "As a result결과적으로, if we went ahead and held the vote tomorrow, the deal would be rejected by a significant margin(시간·득표 수 등의) 차이[차]. We will therefore defer미루다, 연기하다 the vote scheduled for tomorrow and not proceed to divide the House at this time.”
메이 영국 총리, 브렉시트 합의문 의회 표결 연기
테레사 메이 영국 총리가 오늘로 예정됐던 영국의 유럽연합(EU) 탈퇴를 위한 '브렉시트 합의문'에 대한 의회 비준동의안 표결을 공식 연기했습니다. 전날 유럽사법재판소는 영국이 브렉시트와
Saudi Arabia's foreign minister has rejected Turkey's request to extradite two former senior Saudi officials suspected of involvement in the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in October. Reuters correspondent Emily Wither reports. Turkish officials say they have "strong suspicion(불법적이거나 부정직한 일을 했다는) 혐의[의혹]" that Saud al-Qahtani, a top aide보좌관 to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and General Ahmed al-Asiri, who served as deputy head차장 of foreign intelligence대외정보, were among the planners(특정 활동의) 설계자[계획자] in Khashoggi's death. The Saudi critic was killed in Istanbul's consulate영사관 on October 2nd. Last month, the U.S. Treasury slapped(세금 등을) 부과하다[붙이다] sanctions on 17 Saudis for their role in the murder. It included Qahtani but not Asiri. The Saudi public prosecutors said the order to repatriate본국으로 송환하다 Khashoggi came from Asiri. A travel ban has also been imposed(의무 등을) 지우다, 부과하다, 과하다 on Qahtani. It's not clear, though, if the men are currently detained유치하다, 구금하다, 억류하. Western states are continuing to press the kingdom사우디를 말함 for a credible investigation.
French President Emmanuel Macron was both humble and resolute단호한, 확고한 as he spoke publicly for the first time about the anti-government protests that have shaken the country. He said in a nationwide broadcast Monday night, "I take my share of…을 분담하다 responsibility. I might have hurt people with my words.” He said he recognizes a proposed tax hike세금 인상 on pensions was "unjust.”
마크롱, 10일 대국민 연설서 중대 발표…시위사태 분수령
에마뉘엘 마크롱 프랑스 대통령이 이른바 ‘노란 조끼’ 시위와 관련해 10일 오후 중대발표를 할 예정이라고 르피가로 등 프랑스 주요 언론이 9일(현지시간) 보도했다. 르피가로에 …
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