VOA news. I'm Christopher Cruise reporting. Afghan officials say a suicide car bombing on Tuesday hit a security forces'치안[보안] 부대, 공안부대, 방위군 convoy(특히 군인이나 다른 차량의) 호송[수송]대 in the capital, Kabul, killing at least 13 people and injuring nine others. The convoy was reportedly transporting operatives첩보원, 정보원 of the National Directorate for Security아프간 정보기관. The Taliban quickly took responsibility, saying the attack was aimed at a joint convoy of American military trainers and their Afghan partners.
아프간 카불서 자살폭탄 공격으로 13명 숨져…탈레반 “우리 소행”
아프가니스탄 카불 외곽에서 자살폭탄 공격이 발생해 최소 12명이 숨졌다고 아프간 내무부가 밝혔습니다. 아프간 내무부에 따르면, 현지시간으로 오늘 오전 9시 20분쯤 카불 외곽 파그만 지구에�
Democratic leaders and President Trump publicly clashed on의견충돌이 생기다 Tuesday with the president threatening to shut down the government if Congress does not provide adequate(특정한 목적이나 필요에) 충분한[적절한] funding for his promised wall along the border with Mexico. White House correspondent Steve Herman reports. It was an acrimonious(언쟁 등이) 폭언이 오가는, 험악한 scene that rarely plays out with reporters present. A president threatening he will shut down government if Congress does not approve a budget with enough money for a project he has promised and deems essential필수적인; 극히 중요한. Senate Minority Leader미 상하원 소수당 수뇌부 Chuck Schumer and Trump repeatedly interrupted each other as the senator requested the president support solutions that could get immediate approval in both chambers of Congress. "If we can't come to an agreement협정이 성립되다, 합의에 도달하다, we have solutions that will pass the House하원 and Senate상원 right now and will not shut down(일시적·영구적으로) 폐쇄하다, 닫다, 정지시키다. the government, and that's what we're urging you to do, not threaten to shut down the government.” "But you don't want to shut down the government, Chuck" "Because you can't get your way생각대로 하다, 제멋대로 하다, 자기 길을 가다.” "The last time you shut it down you got killed.” "Yes, let me say something, Mr. President. You just say, my way or we'll shut down the government.” The top Democrat in the House, Nancy Pelosi, and Trump also had an extended argument over the requisite필요한, 필수의, 없어서는 안 될 votes to approve a budget and border security after she cautioned that "a shutdown활동[기능] 정지 is not worth anything.”
백악관판 ‘리얼리티 쇼’…트럼프-민주당 지도부 설전 생중계
트럼프 “국경장벽 예산 없으면 셧다운” 펠로시·슈머 “협박하지 마라” 삿대질·비아냥 그대로 TV 방영
A gunman opened fire발포하다,사격을 개시하다 inside a cathedral(가톨릭·영국국교) 대성당, 주교좌 성당 in Campinas, Brazil, Tuesday, killing four people and wounding four others before killing himself. Campinas is about 100 kilometers north of São Paulo. This is VOA news.
Both sides in the peace talks평화 회담, 강화 협상 on Yemen agreed to swap교환[교체]하다 more than 15,000 prisoners by mid-January. The International Committee of the Red Cross적십자(전쟁 시에 인도적 차원에서 적군, 아군의 구별 없이 다치거나 병든 사람들을 구호할 목적으로 설립된 국제적인 민간 조직) will oversee the prisoner swap. Representatives of the Saudi-backed Yemeni government and the Iranian-supported Houthi rebels반역자, 반도, 반항자, 반군 traded lists of prisoners they say the other side is holding, a step U.N. officials call "very impressive.”
예멘내전 종식위한 평화협상 시작…정부군-반군, 포로교환 합의
4년여에 걸쳐 이어지는 예멘 내전을 종식하기 위한 평화협상이 6일(현지시간) 스웨덴에서 시작됐다. 특히 이날 회담에 앞서 예멘정부와 후티 반군은 포로를 교환하기로 해 회담의 전망을 밝게 ��
A former Canadian diplomat외교관 has been detained유치하다, 구금하다, 억류하다 in China amid rising tensions긴장 between the two countries over Canada's arrest at the request of the United States of a Chinese technology executive(기업·조직의) 경영 간부, 임원, 이사, 중역. Michael Kovrig is a former Canadian envoy to Beijing, Hong Kong and elsewhere from 2000 to 2016. He was apprehended붙잡다, 체포하다 earlier this week for undisclosed밝혀지지 않은, 비밀에 부쳐진 reasons.
前캐나다 외교관 중국서 억류…화웨이 CFO 체포 관련 보복 추정
【로스앤젤레스=뉴시스】 류강훈 기자 = 전직 캐나다 외교관이 중국에 억류됐다고 CNBC 등 외신들이 11일(현지시간) 보도했다
Top European officials on Tuesday ruled out제외시키다, 배제하다; 불가능하게 하다 any renegotiation of the divorce agreement with Britain, as Prime Minister Theresa May fought to save her Brexit deal by lobbying(정치적인) 로비를 하다[영향력을 행사하다] leaders in Europe's capitals. European Commission유럽 연합 집행 기관 President Jean-Claude Juncker warned that [it] cannot be opened, the agreement, that is즉[말하자면], for negotiation at a summit of EU leaders on Thursday. "I will see Mrs. May this evening and I have to say here in the Parliament, as I did say before in this Parliament(일반적으로) 의회, 국회, the deal we have achieved is the best deal possible, it's the only deal possible. And so, we cannot ... for this, no room whatsoever for renegotiation.”
융커 "브렉시트 재협상 없어…현재 합의가 유일한 합의"(상보)
장클로드 융커 유럽연합(EU) 집행위원장이 11일 브렉시트와 관련해 재협상은 없다는 입장을 분명히 밝혔다. 융커위원장은 이날 프랑스 스트라스부르에서 EU 의원들을 대상으로 한 브리핑에서 "그
The U.N. is appealing호소하다, 간청하다 for $5.5 billion to support millions of Syrian refugees and the neighboring countries hosting them in the coming years. Correspondent Lisa Schlein reports for VOA from Geneva. The U.N. agencies say the appeal will provide the refugees with health, water, sanitation공중위생; 위생 시설, food, education, psycho-social심리사회적인 support, community services and other essential relief구호품, 구호물자; 구호. Assistance also will be given to nearly 4 million people in the communities hosting them. They say those communities are under great strain큰 부담. Humanitarian operations인도적 지원 활동, they say, will be geared맞추다, 맞게 조정하다 toward assisting them through livelihoods생계 (수단) and economic opportunities, as well as…에 더하여, 게다가 basic services and support to help local institutions and municipalities자치체, 지방 자치 도시[단체] function better.
유엔, "시리아 국외난민, 올 3.7만 이어 내년 25만 귀국 전망"
【서울=뉴시스】 김재영 기자 = 시리아 내전 9년째가 되는 2019년 중에 국외로 피난갔던 시리아인이 최대 25만 명이 귀국할 수 있을 것으로 본다고 11일 유엔 난민기구(UNHCR)가 말했다. 2011년 내전 ��
The U.S. State Department(미국) 국무부 is authorizing…을 인가[허가]하다 "the voluntary departure of U.S. direct-hire government personnel직원들, 사원들, 대원들, 요원들 and their family members" who are at the U.S. embassy in Haiti. A spokesperson대변인 for the State Department's Western Hemisphere Affairs Department said the department had made the decision because of the increased security unrest (사회·정치적인) 불안[불만] that have crippled제대로 기능을 못하게 만들다 Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince포르토프랭스(서인도 제도의 Haiti의 수도).
아이티, 대통령 사임 요구 이틀째 시위로 전국 마비
【포르토프랭스(아이티)=AP/뉴시스】유세진 기자 = 아이티 정부가 부패했다는 주장에 항의하는 시위가 아이티 전역에서 이틀째 계속돼 사실상 모든 활동이 마비된 가운데 19일 경찰 1명이 살해됐
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