
고양이(cat)와 관련된 영어 관용표현 모음

나룸이 2020. 11. 24. 15:39

🐱🐈『새끼 고양이 삼총사』(캐서린 파일 지음, 김영미 옮김, 책보요여 펴냄)이 출간되었습니

어린 '묘생(猫生)'들의 일대 모험이 시작된다! '재즈버리, 플러피, 요울러'라는 새끼 ...


1. has the cat got your tongue?


(영국·구어)(아이에게) 왜 입을 다물고 있니?

Why are you not saying anything?

2. put the cat among the pigeons


소동을 일으키다, 말썽의 소지가 있는 말[일]을 하다

Say or do something that causes trouble or controversy

3. like the cat that got the cream(=look like the cat that ate[swallowed] the canary)


의기양양하게 뿌듯한 표정을 짓다

Looking particularly self-satisfied, often to the annoyance of others


4. let the cat out of the bag


무심코 비밀을 누설하다

Mistakingly allow s secret to be known

5. fight like cat and dog


(늘) 싸우다, 격렬하게 서로 으르렁거리다

Continually arguing with each other

6. when the cat’s away, the mice will play


고양이 없을 적엔 쥐가 설친다[범 없는 골에는 토끼가 왕이라].

When the person of authority is away, people will behave badly

7. fat cat


금권(金權) 정치인, 거물, 세력가.

A negative description of a rich and powerful person


8. curiosity killed the cat

호기심이 고양이를 죽인다.(호기심이 지나치면 위험하다.)

Being too curious can get you into trouble

9. not have a cat in hell’s chance

성공할 가망성이 전혀 없다

When some something has no chance of success, it doesn’t have a cat in hell’s chance.

10. look like something the cat dragged in


몹시 지저분하거나 더러움, 피곤해 보임.

When someone looks very untidy and messy, they look like something the cat dragged in.

11. no room to swing a cat


방이) 너무 비좁다

Very small, not big enough

12. a cat nap


(고양이처럼) 짧고 가볍게 자는 낮잠, 토막잠

A short sleep during the day

13. a copycat


(구어·경멸) (남의 행동·작품을) 흉내 내는[모방하는] 사람, 모방자(imitator), (아동어) 흉내쟁이(그대로 베끼는 아이).

Someone or something that copies, imitates, mimics, or follows the lead of another. Often used by children for other children who copy exactly what they do or say.

14. rain cats and dogs


비가 억수같이 쏟아지다; 아주 세차게 비가 오다


18. cool cat


(느낌이) 좋은 녀석, 능력이 있는 녀석

재즈 팬, 재즈통(通)



50 Cat Idioms and Phrases

This article contains 50 idioms related to cats. We use idioms in everyday speech, but I had no idea that so many include a reference to cats. How many do you recognize?


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