1. a big heart: said of someone kind and loving 너그러운 마음
2. after my own heart: said of someone with similar preferences or values 마음먹은 대로의, 마음에 맞는, 생각대로의
3. a heart of gold: see “a big heart” 상냥한 마음(을 가진 사람)
4. a heart of stone: said of someone without sympathy 무정한 사람
5. all heart: see “a big heart”; sometimes used sarcastically to mean the opposite
6. at heart: basically 마음속으로는[내심은], 본심은
7. bare (one’s) heart: share one’s feelings or thoughts 속(마음)을 털어놓다
8. bleeding heart: said of someone who is conspicuously or excessively generous [못마땅함]지나치게 동정심이 많은 사람
9. break (one’s) heart: cause someone emotional distress ~를 비통하게 만들다[~의 가슴을 찢어 놓다]
10. by heart: from memory 외워서[기억하여] (learn by heart …을 외다, 암기하다)
11–13. capture/steal/win (one’s) heart: make someone fall in love with one 마음을 사로잡다
14–16. close/dear/near to (one’s) heart: loved or valued by someone …에게 소중한, 중요한
17. cross my heart: said as an oath to assert one’s honesty 맹세할 수 있어(자기 말의 진실성이나 약속을 강조할 때 쓰는 표현)
18. didn’t have the heart: said when one cannot summon the will to do something hurtful (~을 할) 마음이 내키지 않다, …할 용기가 없다
19. do (one’s) heart good: said about something that will be beneficial to someone 남을 기쁘게 하다, 기운을 돋우다
20. eat your heart out: said mockingly to someone expressing the desire for them to suffer; usually facetious 당신은 저리 가라군[비교가 안 되는군]!
21. faint of heart: lacking courage 용기 없는, 비겁한
22–23. find a way into/to (one’s) heart: cause someone to fall in love with one
24. find it in (one’s) heart: have the compassion or courage to do something …할 마음이 나다; …하려고 하다; …할 용기를 갖다
25. follow (one’s) heart: do what one loves rather than what is expected of one 마음대로[기분 내키는 대로] 하다
26. from the heart: with sincerity 마음으로부터, 진심에서, 충심으로
27–28. gladden the/(one’s) heart: make someone happy or gratified …의 마음을 기쁘게 하다
29. harden (one’s) heart: become callous 마음을 완고히 하다, 냉담해지다, …의 마음을 모질게 만들다.
30. have (one’s) heart set on: be obsessed with obtaining …하기로 마음을 굳히다, 작심하다
31. have (one’s) (best) interests at heart: be doing something for someone else’s benefit 남에게 마음 쓰다, 남을 원조하다
32. heart goes out to: said in regard to feeling sympathy for someone …을 가엾게 생각하다
33. heart in (one’s) mouth: said of someone who has strong emotions about someone or something
34. heart is in the right place: said of someone well intentioned (안 그렇게 보일 때도 있겠지만) ~의 마음은 진심이다[선의에서 나온 것이다]
35. heart of the matter: essence 사건/문제의 핵심
36. win the hearts and minds: said in reference to persuading rather than compelling …의 마음을 사로잡다, 전폭적 지지를 얻다
37. heart’s desire: what one wishes deeply for 마음으로부터 바라는 것, 소망
38. heart skips a beat: said of someone excited, frightened, or surprised (심장이 멎을 정도로) 놀라다, 흥분하다
39. heavy heart: sadness 무거운[비통한] 가슴[심정]
40–41. from the bottom/depths of (one’s) heart: profoundly 마음 속에서부터; 진심으로; 진심에서
42. in (one’s) heart of hearts: if one’s true feelings or thoughts were known 남몰래, 마음 속으로(는)
43. know (one’s) heart: be aware of one’s true feelings 진심을 알다
44. lose heart: become discouraged 낙담하다[자신감을 잃다]
45–46. matters/affairs of the heart: said of something pertaining to a love affair 연애 (사건), 정사(情事)
70 Idioms with Heart
70 Idioms with Heart By Mark Nichol Idioms that refer to what is the fanciful seat of our emotions as well as the factual core of our circulatory system are understandably numerous. Here’s a list of phrases and expressions that include heart and, for the
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