
여러분 애완동물의 눈은 건강한가요(How Well Does Your Pet See)? | 영어기사읽기

나룸이 2020. 11. 22. 00:01

Here is another way pets are like people. They can have vision problems. Sometimes the symptoms are easy to detect. Your dog or cat may start bumping into furniture or you. Bumping into things can all be early symptoms of eye disease in pets.

vision problems 눈과 관련된 문제들  symptom 증상  bump (~에 신체 부위를) 찧다[부딪치다]

The eyes also tell a story. Theythe eyes may be cloudy or filled with mucous. Animals share many of the thirty or so most common eye ailments people suffer. These include injuries, infections, cataracts, and glaucoma. Corneal wounds affect the clear surface at the front of the eye. Dry eye robs the eye of moisture and can lead to pain. There also are some eye ailments that animals inherit .

cloudy 탁한 mucous 점액질 infection 감염, 전염병 cataracts 백내장 glaucoma 녹내장. corneal (눈의) 각막 surface(사물의) 표면[표층] moisture 수분 inherit 상속받다, 물려받다 ailments (그렇게 심각하지 않은) 질병

It is not always easy to spot vision problems. Pets do not respond to eye charts. It is like vision problems with infants. Pets cannot tell us if something is wrong with their eyes. A doctor said we must look at their eyes and their behavior. Signs of eye distress include squinting, clouding in the lens, gunky discharges or redness.

eye charts 시력 검사표  infants 유아(乳兒), 갓난 아기 distress 고통, 괴로움 squint 사팔눈이다, 곁눈질을 하다, 눈을 가늘게 뜨고 보다 gunky discharges  끈적끈적한 분비물 redness 충혈

Eye problems may be much easier to detect in dogs than in cats. A doctor said cats may mask their vision loss by using their whiskers. They may be almost blind before people detect a vision problem. Owners should pay attention to the eyes’ appearance or signs of pain.

mask 감추다  vision loss 시력 상실  whisker (고양이·쥐 따위의) 수염 appearance 외관, 외견, 모양

More dogs than cats need treatment. There are high-risk breeds such as cocker spaniels, basset hounds, poodles, and terriers. Inflammation and vision loss are especially common in dogs.

treatment 치료, 처치 breed (특히 개·고양이·가축의) inflammation (신체 부위의) 염증

cocker spaniel 코커 스패니얼 (사냥·애완용 개) / basset hound바셋 하운드 (다리가 짧은 사냥개)



poodle 푸들 / terrier 테리어 (사냥용·애완용 개)


When dogs stick their heads out of the car window, injuries can happen. The wind exposes their eyes to airborne dust and debris. Cat vision problems usually happen when cats interact with other animals. They may pick up infections that cause the herpes virus. It may be years before the virus erupts. One doctor said it is like shingles in human beings.

stick 고정시키다, 내밀다   airborne 공기로 운반되는  debris 파편, 부스러기  interact 상호 작용을 하다  herpes virus 헤르페스[포진] 바이러스  erupt (발진 등이) 돋다  shingle 대상 포진(帶狀疱疹)

Few veterinarians specialize in animal eye diseases. Most family veterinarians do offer eye exams during checkup. They usually can treat simple infections. You should see a specialist when a pet needs surgery or if there is an uncertain diagnosis.

veterinarian 수의사 checkup (정기) 신체 검사, 건강 진단 surgery 수술 diagnosis 진단

Source: The New York Times June 6, 2017


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How Well Does Your Pet See? | The Times in Plain English

Here is another way pets are like people. They can have vision problems. Sometimes the symptoms are easy to detect. Your dog or cat may start bumping into furniture or you. Bumping into things can all be early symptoms of eye disease in pets. The eyes also


