
[이솝우화 ] 개와 개울에 비친 그림자(THE DOG AND HIS SHADOW) | 원서읽기

나룸이 2020. 11. 21. 23:54


Dog once had a nice piece of meat for his dinner. Some say that it was stolen, but others, that it had been given him by a butcher, which we hope was the case.

Dogs like best to eat at home, and he went trotting along with the meat in his mouth, as happy as a king.

nice(요리 따위가) 맛있는 meat (식용하는 짐승・조류의) 고기  butcher 정육점 주인, 도살업자   case 사실, 실정, 진상 best 가장(well의 최상급)  trot 빠른 걸음으로 걷다, 총총걸음으로 가다, 서둘러 가다   as happy as a king 굉장히 행복한

On the dog’s way there was a stream with a plank across it. As the water was still and clear, he stopped to take a look at it. What should he see, as he gazed into its bright depths, but a dog as big as himself, looking up at him, and lo! the dog had meat in his mouth.

 stream 개울, 시내  plank (한 장의) 널빤지  still <물 등이> 흐르지 않는, 바람 없는, 잔잔한  take a look at (…을) (한 번) 보다.  gaze  (주로 놀라움·기쁨·흥미를 가지고) 뚫어지게 보다, 응시하다  bright  (액체가) 투명한, 맑은  depths 깊은 곳  lo (옛글투 또는 유머) 야, 하, 저런(놀라운 것에 사람들의 관심을 끌 때 내는 소리)


“I’ll try to get that,” said he; “then with both mine and his what a feast I shall have!” As quick as thought he snapped at the meat, but in doing so he had to open his mouth, and his own piece fell to the bottom of the stream.

Then he saw that the other dog had lost his piece, too. He went sadly home. In trying to grasp a shadow he lost his substance.


then (1)그때(과거・미래의 특정한 때를 가리킴)   (2) 그 다음에, 그러고는, 그러더니  mine [I의 소유 대명사] 나의 것 his [he의 소유 대명사] 그의 것  feast 향연, 축하연, 잔치, 연회, 성찬.  snap (동물이) 덥석 물다, 꽉 물다 piece (자르거나 나눠 놓은 것의) 한 부분[조각]   sadly 슬프게, 애처롭게  grasp 꽉 잡다, 움켜잡다  substance 자산, 물질, 실체, 본질, 핵심


It is very foolish to be greedy(탐욕, 욕심).



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